Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Essay What to Read for Your Own Pleasure This Summer
Essay What to Read for Your Own Pleasure This Summer Essay: What to Read for Your Own Pleasure This Summer? An old saying goes: ‘One who reads a lot, knows much – and its really true! During each academic semester, students bookworm and improve their academic knowledge gradually. But theres another important part of studies and reading: self-study, self-actualization and the simple joy we get from reading books! Reading is a part of our personal development that enriches us with new ideas and broadens our outlook each time we take a book into our hands. In addition, when we read we’re brighter of spirit and more likely to be in a good mood because we’re soaring with intellectual and cultural achievements! Why shouldn’t we? We’re worth this investment! Here are some books worth reading this summer: We can start with a rather interesting and overwhelming book The Literary Lives of the Inklings written by Carol and Philip Zaleski. It will definitely grab your attention. Its a very deep and profound overview of such literary giants as J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis and offers details of their lives, descriptions of people who were their true friends and able not only to support and understand, but also to inspire one another with new and bright ideas. The book is full of biographical details, which lead to a better understanding of the fantasy genre. (Dalfonzo, 2015) Another curious book suggested for consideration is titled Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs by Michelle Malkin. Its a well-known fact that the economy of the USA is generally represented by entrepreneurs. Malkin’s book is dedicated to such people. Malkin tells the stories of famous men, their ideas and know-how which earned them success and worldwide fame (Furchtgott-Roth, 2015). You’re highly likely to find this book useful and inspiring. Who knows, maybe it will lead to your own inventions! If you’re attracted by the life-stories of the celebrities, Scott Eymans book John Wayne is right for you! Its always a fascinating experience to see a famous person differently and to get to know more about the events of their life, which led them to take this or that decision (Furchtgott-Roth, 2015). A proven path to success always draws attention because it can serve as a perfect example for others to follow. Theres every chance that the book On Duties’ written by Cicero centuries ago is still relevant today! The concept of the book is to show the meaning of leaving both fabulous and helpful life. The same as its title, the content of the book presupposes each person can be viewed in the light of service to mankind. Illustrated with bright examples taken from history, and written in a form of letters addressed by the father to his son, this literary work of a Roman orator, consul and politician is meant to be used as a life guide essential for increasing of self-motivation and personal development (Mehan, 2015). The books we’ve suggested for your summer reading are very different from one another so there is sure to be at least one that will be of interest to you! Reading for pleasure and enjoying oneself at the same time in the summer; is there a better self-studying alternative for a thoughtful and determined student? If you need some book report / literature review or book review writing help welcome to our custom essay writing service which will help you online!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Right action (Respect for others) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Right action (Respect for others) - Essay Example Successful society is impossible without productive and effective communication between its people, that’s why the main moral code people teach their children to bring them up adequate participants of society is based on respectful attitude to others. And even though different ethical concepts argue about their moral approaches, the aspect of respect towards others always stays in all of them in the same understanding of the notion of respect. To be respectful towards others means not to be selfish with people, but to pay attention on their personalities, to be interested in how their lives are going. There are many ways to show your interest to people. The most elementary rule is to listen to what people tell you. This sounds pretty simple, but we usually do not notice that while communicating we forget to listen, because it is more important for us to say something than to show your interest to your interlocutor by simple listening. We usually feel badly when somebody doesn’t listen to our speech, but frequently we treat people the same way. While communicating it is very important for people to be asked about something they are interested in; if you ask something, people feel that you are interested in them, so they start attracting you. The second way to behave respectfully is to be nice to people. It is even easily than listening. To be nice means to tell them something that shows that you adore them, or respe ct, or disposed towards them – depends on situation. But the main point is to be positively inclined towards them. For example, in formal communication we usually show our respect by following the rules of this kind of communication, in colloquial speech we use words of attraction, compliments (which in fact may be used in any situation, if appropriate), praises etc. But it is important to consider their relevance in particular situation, of course. Actually the easiest way to define how respect looks like is to pass different ways of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Country Risk Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Country Risk - Case Study Example Currently, the company fails to reach an agreement with the Hong Kong government to fund a much-needed 301 acres of expansion and started to give employees the sack. HKDLD has been losing profits that leads to the present state of being. All creative and design works are halted leaving a "shell" of 10 member team after the stripping off the "imaginers" (Business Week, 2009). Walt Disney Company (WDC) may just walk away from the negotiation from the government to focus on the upcoming Disney Shanghai. Yet Disneyland is significantly a landmark and tourist attraction, the HK government can find no comfort zone in abandoning it or funding the business. The strategy is only to keep on improving it as a competitive edge over Disney Shanghai scheduled to open in 2014. This implies the need of constant influx of taxpayers' fund for HKDLD expansion to keep the economy on the road to recovery, even though the present spending hurts the country's expenditure with HKDLD's profit book in the red expectedly (NPR, 2009). The nature of the existence of the risks of this Private-Public Partnership (PPP) project occurs due to the complexity and uncertainty of the interaction of factors that includes financing, taxation, technical details, market conditions and changes over the duration of the project (Yin Shen, Platten, 2009). Hence for the HKDLD project, the risks affecting the project expansion are identified with their preventive measures. To achieve the value for money in PPP projects, risk are allocated between this pair of private and public sectors in partnership. The risks should be allocated accordingly with respect to the type of risk and the ability of either sector to mitigate them. Based on this principle the risks are outlined alongside the preventive measures by means of allocations of identified risks. During the start of the expansion, site acquisition risk is present in land acquisition and or during retaining or demolishing existing buildings. The HK government is responsible for ens uring the acquisition of the HKDLD site and protecting the site from any intrusion and all land uses in surrounding areas. The operational private partner is responsible for the operational process of site protection or demolition of existing buildings or facilities. In all construction, the risk associate with adverse underground conditions is taken care of by the private partner since they are in charge of site survey particularly on the underground conditions that deals with the stability of foundation and supply of utilities. Polluted land and surroundings is a risk borne by both sides by the right legal disposal of construction waste and enforcement of good house keeping. Land reclamation runs the risk of delay of construction and is allocated to the private partner for adhering to the project deadline Volatility of market changes is always present with factors such as the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Learning knowledge and effective performance Essay
Learning knowledge and effective performance - Essay Example Investment is learning is made possible through training and development of individuals and it is quintessential to harness such strengths so that the employees could manifest their truest selves within the workplace settings. On the same token, it is also important that organizations give the employees a choosing policy so that they could opt for the courses which they think are essential for their future training and development needs. However some studies could be made mandatory so that all the employees make sure that they take it for their own betterment. Indeed the organizational regimes would benefit in the long run and this is an important consideration for the top management, who is always enacting policies to suit the needs of the employees at the workplace. This paper takes a keen look at the ways and means through which training and development has assisted the learning quotient; and the methods which are deemed as significant in such activities are also touched upon in m eticulous. As an HRD advisor, it would be my duty to properly align the training and development activities under those methods which bring out the best value. This value is measured through the application of training and development activities towards the employees. The long term benefits are envisaged and the same are manifested in a manner which is close to their tasks and processes that they undertake at the workplace. Learning has taken the front seat in most organizations because the top management understands its due role and thus gives the best possible mechanism for learning to develop within the workplace settings. Learning is deemed as essential as it outlines the strengths within the processes that are held under the aegis of training and development activities (Kraiger 2002). As an HRD advisor, it is of utmost concern to me that I lay the basis for properly attuning the salient aspects which work alongside the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
A Midsummer Night’s Dream The play A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Williams Shakespeare contains two distinctly different subplots within the lager structure of itself, which can be considered as a remarkable characteristic of the dramatic construction in general and of Shakespeare’s play in particular. Although Shakespeare borrows the themes, characters and stories from the history of the ancient Greece and Greek mythology, the play-within-a-play structure shows his creations and his own work. The play-within-a-play structure serves the function of recapping many important themes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and allows Shakespeare to comment on the nature of art as well as criticize the acting of amateurs who perform and play on the stage yet do not understand what they actually do. The first play-within-a-play is a performance of Pyramus and Thisbe played by the laborers. It is similar to the main play in many aspects including commons in the story of the Athenian lovers and some of the overall themes. Pyramus and Thisbe face parental disapproval in the subplot just like the couple Lysander and Hermia do in the main plot. Despite its dramatic premise, the craftsmen play the love story of Pyramus and Thisbe in such a comical way that parodies the melodramatic Athenian lovers and gives the play a very joyful and comical ending. The role played by the darkness of night creates another similarity as it causes the romantic confusion in both plays. Pyramus, in the dark of the night, mistakenly believes that Thisbe has been killed by the lion when he sees her bloody mantle; he, thus, commits suicide because of this misinterpretation. Likewise, the mix-ups and meddling of the love fairy Puck cause the Athenian lovers face a miserable situation, which also happens at ni ght in the wood. Though the performance of the craftsmen makes the Athenian lovers’ story which involves strong emotions become comical and hilarious, the sub play serves as symbol for the larger play itself. It is explained while the lovers and Theseus and Hippolyta are mocking the ridiculous performance of the laborers, the audiences watching the lovers watch the craftsmen’s play are concurrently aware of the lovers’ own absurdity. Moreover, the play-within-a-play of the craftsmen suggests the strict requirements and the limit of the theatre. The workmen establish a very unlikely dramatic troupe. All of these characters appear comical because of their superficial characteristics and personal traits. They bumble, mispronounce words, and play the part of the fools. These untutored craftsmen are worried about their new dramatic roles for Pyramus, Thisbe, a wall, a lion, and a moon since none of them has had a previous acting experience. In spite of their preoccupation, the leader of the troupe Quince fails to help the actors correct their pronunciation and master important techniques for dramatic performance. During the rehearsal time, instead, he only tries to match the actors in hope that they will play out. On one hand, the play-within-a-play is offered as a comic interlude to display Shakespeare’s creativity. One the other hand, the sub play helps the audiences understand some of the overall themes in t he main play. That is, the play does not clearly explain how the craftsmen come together and how or by whom they are selected to be worthy to play. These characters and the sub play they perform exist to raise questions about the fitness for acting a certain role in a play. The issue of whom is worthy to putting on a play is also one of the concerns in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Another aspect of this issue comprising who is responsible for bringing a play to the audiences or what thoughts and actions are proper in order to bring a play to stage should be also concerned. The conversations among the craftsmen-actors in which they argue whether they can bring an actual wall to stage and conclude that it is impossible to carry out demonstrate this point. Another play which can be considered as a second play-within-a-play is written by the Oberon, the King of all fairies. He creates a play in which the mortals are the performers. Marriage and reconciliation are the means for resolving all conflicts. In Oberon’s play, Helena gets her love, Lysander and Hermia stays together, and Titania has a lesson of obedience. As the workmen turn the tragic drama of the Athenian lovers into a comic farce by their awful performance, Oberon does the same when his fairy Puck accidentally put the love potion on eyes of the wrong Athenian man. This mistake causes the Athenian lovers experience an intensive misery, which also creates a comical situation. Similar to the first play-within-a-play, the second serves an important role to signify the larger play. In â€Å"What hempen home-spuns have we swagg’ring here?†Amateur Actors in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Coventry Civic Play and Pageants, Clifford Davidson discusses the play-within-a-play structure and its purpose. He indicates that the play-within-a-play raises questions of imagination and stage reality (Davidson 87). Also, the author argues that Shakespeare uses this structure to parody the older dramatic styles of the public theaters fashionable when they tended to use the bombastic language and clumsily use the mythological subjects in their performance (Davidson 88). Above that, Davidson points out a very important issue that Shakespeare makes a comparison between the inadequate of the acting amateurs and the highly professional work conducted by his own company through the parody with the acting of the craftsmen in the subplot (88). According to the author, however, Shakespeare seems to have a negative view on the play and the players in many provincial cities and towns, which probably can cause severe misrepresentation about the quality of the amateur actors or companies (96). Davidson explains that by saying that â€Å"for the spectacles that cities like Coventry were able to mount were surely not so rough and â€Å"amateurish†as we might imagine†or â€Å"the quality of the production were surely much, much higher that Shakespeare’s play-within-a-play in A Midsummer Night’ Dream would seem to suggest†(96). The play-within-a-play is analyzed studied from a different point of view in the article The Act of Change in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Alan Bellringer explores the art of acting which he claims is â€Å"a valid part of the art of living†and its importance (213). He asserts that â€Å"the sub plot about the Athenian workmen’s underserved success in the amateur dramatic competition is thematically relevant and supportive†(Bellringer 213). On the other hand, the author sees acting and plays as a mean for normal, simple and blundering people like the character Bottom to â€Å"escape from their stereotyped tradesmen’s personalities through their imaginative art of drama, the world of ‘shadows’†. Through the play and acting, these craftsmen-actors can â€Å"briefly change their status in life†and â€Å"find fulfillment in their new-found importance as actors†. Regardless of â€Å"a mere matter of talented extroverti sm†, Bellringer compliments the performance of the craftsmen for their contribution to the success of the play even though it is intended as a ridiculous performance used to satirize the dramatic play of Pyramus and Thisbe and turn it into a comical play (215). He stresses the dynamism as the essential quality of this comedy and states that the purpose of play-within-a-play is about the â€Å"use of change†or the â€Å"amendment of life†(Bellringer 217). The play-within-a-play structure recaps the principles themes and ideas of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and has a significant contribution as a representation of the main play. The similarities in the sub play clarify the overall scheme. It also serves as a tool for Shakespeare’s creative work and a mean for the audiences to distinguish between the fiction and reality and realize the nature of art in theatre. Works Cited Bellringer, â€Å"The Act of Change in a Midsummer Night’s Dream†. English Studies 64.3 (1983): 201-17. International Bibliography of Theatre Dance. Wed. 10 Apr. 2014. Davidson, Clifford. â€Å"†What hempen home-spuns have we swagg’ring here?†Amateur Actors in a Midsummer Night’s Dream and the Coventry Civic Plays and Pageants†. Shakespeare Studies 19 (1987): 87-96. International Bibliography of Theatre Dance. Wed. 10 Apr. 2014.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
An Overview of Aging and Existing Cultural Differences Essay -- essays
An Overview of Aging and Existing Cultural Differences Society predetermines a specific life course for each person of their community. Missing any stage of this course is detrimental to the development of the human life. But not all societies have these stages of life; ergo different cultures define stages differently. The stages of the life course are childhood, adolescence, adulthood, young adulthood and middle adulthood, old age and death. Society thinks of childhood as the first twelve years of life. In most cultures it is known as the time of autonomy from the weight of the grown-up world. But in other societies, such as Taiwan and Indonesia, childhood is seen as another occasion to send someone to work. The children do not have a normal childhood life of playing house and Barbie’s; instead they are in factories making shoes for approximately fifty cents an hour. In our society, ‘our concept of childhood is grounded in significant biological differences that set the young from the old’ (Macionis & Gerber, 2002).      The next stage of the life course is adolescence. This is the time where kids are in between childhood and adulthood. The preteen and teenage years comprise the stage of life when young people establish some independence and learn specialized skills required for adulthood (Macionis & Gerber, 2002). Adolescence is related with social and emotional confusion; young people have conflicts with their parents, and try to develop their own sense of identity. Adolescence is a product of culture. A study that was done in the 1920’s by Margaret Mead on the Samoan Islands shows that there was little stress among teenagers; their children appeared to move easily into adult standing. Our society, however, defines childhood and adulthood more in opposing terms, making transition between the two stages of life more difficult (Macionis & Gerber, 2002). The experience of adolescence also varies according to social standing and background. Following adolescence comes adulthood which is made up of young adulthood and middle adulthood. ‘Adulthood is the period during which most of life’s accomplishments typically occur, including pursuing careers and raising families’ (Macionis & Gerber, 2002). Young adulthood goes from age twenty to about age forty. This is generally a time of engaging in many goals set earlier ... ... & Gerber 2002). On the other hand, the prevalence of depression & dementia in Japan may be lower than in the West, which implies that culture may exert a protective influence (Dein & Huline-Dickens, 1997). Social isolation may be less likely in the Japanese culture because children often live with their elderly parents; whereas in Canada, elderly parents are often housed in nursing homes or assisted living accommodations. References AFS. (2000). Where in the World. Retrieved April 5, 2003, from where_detail.html?cou_code=JPN Dein, S. & Huline-Dickens, S. (1997). Cultural aspects of aging and psychopathology. Aging-and-Mental-Health, 1(2)112-120. Macionis, J.J & Gerber, L.M (2002). Sociology (4th ed.) Toronto, Ontario: Prentice Hall. Masud, Chika. (1999) Elderly Welfare in Japan. Retrieved April 5, 2003, from http://user Rosenberg, Matt. (2000). World Life Expectancy Chart. Retrieved April 5, 2003, from Traphagan, J.W. (2000). Reproducing elder male power through ritual performance in Japan. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 15(2)81-97. An Overview of Aging and Existing Cultural Differences Essay -- essays An Overview of Aging and Existing Cultural Differences Society predetermines a specific life course for each person of their community. Missing any stage of this course is detrimental to the development of the human life. But not all societies have these stages of life; ergo different cultures define stages differently. The stages of the life course are childhood, adolescence, adulthood, young adulthood and middle adulthood, old age and death. Society thinks of childhood as the first twelve years of life. In most cultures it is known as the time of autonomy from the weight of the grown-up world. But in other societies, such as Taiwan and Indonesia, childhood is seen as another occasion to send someone to work. The children do not have a normal childhood life of playing house and Barbie’s; instead they are in factories making shoes for approximately fifty cents an hour. In our society, ‘our concept of childhood is grounded in significant biological differences that set the young from the old’ (Macionis & Gerber, 2002).      The next stage of the life course is adolescence. This is the time where kids are in between childhood and adulthood. The preteen and teenage years comprise the stage of life when young people establish some independence and learn specialized skills required for adulthood (Macionis & Gerber, 2002). Adolescence is related with social and emotional confusion; young people have conflicts with their parents, and try to develop their own sense of identity. Adolescence is a product of culture. A study that was done in the 1920’s by Margaret Mead on the Samoan Islands shows that there was little stress among teenagers; their children appeared to move easily into adult standing. Our society, however, defines childhood and adulthood more in opposing terms, making transition between the two stages of life more difficult (Macionis & Gerber, 2002). The experience of adolescence also varies according to social standing and background. Following adolescence comes adulthood which is made up of young adulthood and middle adulthood. ‘Adulthood is the period during which most of life’s accomplishments typically occur, including pursuing careers and raising families’ (Macionis & Gerber, 2002). Young adulthood goes from age twenty to about age forty. This is generally a time of engaging in many goals set earlier ... ... & Gerber 2002). On the other hand, the prevalence of depression & dementia in Japan may be lower than in the West, which implies that culture may exert a protective influence (Dein & Huline-Dickens, 1997). Social isolation may be less likely in the Japanese culture because children often live with their elderly parents; whereas in Canada, elderly parents are often housed in nursing homes or assisted living accommodations. References AFS. (2000). Where in the World. Retrieved April 5, 2003, from where_detail.html?cou_code=JPN Dein, S. & Huline-Dickens, S. (1997). Cultural aspects of aging and psychopathology. Aging-and-Mental-Health, 1(2)112-120. Macionis, J.J & Gerber, L.M (2002). Sociology (4th ed.) Toronto, Ontario: Prentice Hall. Masud, Chika. (1999) Elderly Welfare in Japan. Retrieved April 5, 2003, from http://user Rosenberg, Matt. (2000). World Life Expectancy Chart. Retrieved April 5, 2003, from Traphagan, J.W. (2000). Reproducing elder male power through ritual performance in Japan. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 15(2)81-97.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Leslie Annexstein & Eileen Ordover Essay
The issue of equity is one that remains and will continue to be relevant to organization managers. This has been particular challenging in industries that have been associated with particular genders, cultures or demographics which has increased the factors affecting individual performance and participation in organizations (Reeve, 2005). As shown in the article for the study, the issue has shown a great sensitivity to developing issues while at the same remains as an effective benchmark of changes in social perspectives. The sentiment expressed highlights not only the role of management in equal employment opportunities. Leslie Annexstein, Eileen Ordover, Levon Esters, Blannie Bowen and Edward Reeve are given credit in particularly for their efforts in the empowerment of women, the disabled as well as bridging social disparities. However, there is also acknowledgement that even with such advancement in research, legislation and social policies, equalitarian ideals are still far from being realized. It is troubling to think that despite legislation and popular acknowledgement of the need and value of diversity and equal opportunity that such disparities would persist. Therefore, the challenge is one that has to be taken up not only in the interest of social responsibility but as a means of ensuring one’s own welfare in the future (pp. 5-6). How can there be real sensitivity for diversity, in particular for language, cultural and social differences? Are current standards and measures able to accommodate for developing needs? What is the long term consequence of the inability to address issues? How the issues impact individual members of society? Reference Reeve, Johnmarshall (2005). Understanding Motivation and Emotion. New York: John Wiley & SonsMook, D. G.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
An economic model of the brain drain Essay
The emigration of skilled labor is of great concern to most less developed countries as well as to some developed countries. One special category of the brain drain has been especially troublesome to LDC’s over the last twenty-five years. Indigenous college graduates frequently leave their countries for advance studies in the Western world, but only a handful return after completing their work. Migration of this type has been linked to several possible causes. The most frequently cited are lack of employment opportunities for returning graduates, lower salary levels in the indigenous country, the preference of graduates to live abroad, and asymmetric information in the labor market. The loss of their most educated workers abroad, the so-called brain drain, has been a major source to LDCs. At the same time that their development targets demand highly trained personnel, LDCs find that their younger intellectual elite accept employment in the country where they have received thei r advanced training, and do not return to their native land. A number of reasons have been offered to explain the brain drain problem, including lack of employment opportunities in the home country, low pay, and student preference to remain abroad. These reasons are not empirically compelling in many developing countries. In Taiwan, for example, employment opportunities exist at real wages which are comparable to those offered abroad. And while some students may prefer to live abroad, it seems difficult to explain the brain drain by this reason alone. This paper has shown that the brain drain may exist even when students have a preference for returning home and employment opportunities exist at comparable average pay. The reason for the problem is related to the information employers have at the time of hiring. We assume that employers in the country of education can more precisely determine a graduate’s potential productivity than can employers in the student’s native country. Employers in the native country are assumed to offer wages that reflect the average productivity of returning workers, but which are not precisely tailored to individual productivities. This difference in information can by itself lead to the brain drain problem. The extent of the problem was related to the average productivity of workers, and their bias towards returning home. Conditions under which the brain drain problem was complete, partial, and nonexistent were examined.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Alternative fuels essays
Alternative fuels essays When attending school to be certified to fix state emission failures, instructors tell stories about emission subjects. One in particular that comes to mind is about a couple that tried to end their lives. The instructor showed a paper clipping, from what paper I do not remember, of an older couple who closed the garage door with the car inside. It was a newer Lincoln. They started the car and waited for the inevitable to happen. The problem was that after five hours someone else noticed the car was running and found the couple. The car was so clean running it could not do what the couple wanted it to do, end there lives. The car was designed to run on gasoline with zero emissions. It almost leaves the air cleaner, than before it uses it. The way individuals move from one point to another has changed over the years. In the last one hundred years, it has been courtesy of the internal combustion engine. Gasoline has been what drives the engine to move the population. The way an engine works is by vacuum being transformed into compression and downward pressure on the pistons by means of combustion of a fuel. The engine's absolute vacuum is created by the pistons being forced downward by an adjacent cylinder connected by the crankshaft. When the valves open it allows air to enter the air intake and the correct stoichiometric mixture of fourteen point seven to one is attempted. If the correct mixture is not achieved raw fuel is released into the atmosphere through the tailpipe as pollution. The amount of fuels that can be run in this style of engine is numerous. Gasoline was discovered years ago by refining crude oil and adding various additives to boost the octane levels. Lead was introduced as an upper cylinder lubricant. It was found not to be necessary, and to be harmful to the environment and health. Most recently, we are trying to reduce emissions from tailpipes of vehicles that run on fossil fuels. These five major emission...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Read the requirement i send you carefully, Essay
Read the requirement i send you carefully, - Essay Example However, this has since changed as today organizations recognizes and appreciates the role played by employees in ensuring performance and productivity of the company. In addition, the emergence of field or organizational behavior created an avenue through which companies can use various strategies to promote performance of employees. One of these strategies is effective communication in the workplace. This promotes interaction, creates trust and loyalty allowing employees have freedom in the workplace. In addition, it promotes employee motivation and job satisfaction leading to good performance. Organization functions that utilize communication include leadership and management. When it comes to leadership there are different leadership styles and organizations need to focus on those that promote open communication. Good examples of use of leadership to promote effective communication are seen in the case of Starbucks and Google.Inc, which are discussed in this paper. Introduction O rganization behavior refers to the concept of managing the behavior of individuals in the workplace, for instance, organization of the human resource, organization’s response to employees and employees’ welfare issues. These strategies help the organizations in improving performance at the workplace and achieving competitive advantage over other organizations in the industry (McShane & Glinow 2010). Other aspects of organizational behavior include understanding several behaviors that applies to the organization and motivating them to achieve the best of organizational performance (Luthans 2011). Furthermore, organizational behavior involves an investigation of the impacts of groups, individuals, and organizational structures on the behavior of actors of organizational behavior. Therefore, organizational behavior is an imperative aspect of the organization especially in this 21st century where much emphasis is put on people and their contribution to the company. Accordi ng to Luthans (2011), people are the key to success of every organization as the employees’ contribution to the organization is irreplaceable. Thus, organizations strive to capitalize on this aspect for productivity. A good example of organizational behavior is communication. Communication refers to the technique of transmitting and understanding information between two or more individuals. It involves sharing of feelings, thoughts, expressions among other things transmitted through verbal and non-verbal communication modes. Communication is highly essential in an organization often referred to as the life wire of the business. Nelson and Quick (2012) defines communication as, ‘the evoking of a shared common meaning in another person’ (p.278). The evocation plays a fundamental role in the organization because it enables formation of effective interpersonal associations in the workplace. These then translates to successful job performance and eventually, attainmen t of the organization’s goals. However, the concept does not top at communication, but requires effective to communication to achieve organizational success. According to Nelson and Quick, four elements of communication must be fulfilled to achieve and enhance effective communication, and these are the receiver, the communicator, the message, and perceptual screens. Evidently, communication is highly beneficial in the workplace; hence, this paper explores the application of communication on various aspects of the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10
Communication - Assignment Example The quality means ability to disseminate information in a way that is appropriate for the audience and graphical summary is an example. I can excel in manual development of graphs through shading but lack skills for software applications. The quality means sensitivity to characteristics of the audience for an appropriate audience and cultural sensitivity is an example. I do excel in understanding people’s behavior but I cannot preempt culture. A wider interaction with people from different cultures can help me improve on this. This means engaging relevant parties, with a significant level of sensitivity to their privacy, by disseminating to them information that is necessary to their scope of duties. An example of the quality is the ability to select appropriate mode of communication. I am good identifying sensitive information about stakeholders but I occasionally fail in identifying a medium that can preserve
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